- Enquiry management is important for everyone on the platform.
- With the right enquiry management mechanism, you will be able to utilise UrbanPro better for connecting with students.
- Understanding your requirement, we have introduced a new dashboard for you! This has been customised such that you can organise your dashboard and get a better view of your enquiries.
- The new dashboard lists all your enquiries categorised separately as ‘All’, ‘New’, ‘Contacted’ and ‘Starred’. So, you can quickly respond to relevant and fresh enquiries.
- You can star mark a New enquiry as well as Responded enquiry. We have also added a way to Archive and Filter enquiries, on the dashboard. This will help you manage your responses better by letting you know the potential students you have reached out to.
We share with you the top six features you shouldn’t miss:
1) ‘New’ & ‘Contacted’ tabs are merged into ‘All’
Now you can view all enquiries under the ‘All’ tab. The ‘All’ tab features both all ‘New’ enquiries and all ‘Contacted’ enquiries. This helps you to keep a tab on all enquiries at a glance.
2) Toggle among New/Contacted and Starred Enquiries
The all-new dashboard makes it easy for you to view all your student enquiries in one place. Unlike the previous dashboard where Enquiries and Contacted were two different tabs, the new dashboard enables you to view ‘All’, ‘New’, ‘Contacted’ and ‘Starred’ enquiries, under a single tab ‘Enquiries’.
Toggle between ‘New’ and ‘Contacted’ tabs to check students’ enquiry details, as per your requirements. You can view,
1. New – To check the enquiries you have received recently.
2. Contacted – To look into enquiries for which contact with the students have been initiated.
3. Starred – Enquiries which you have starred for review in the Starred tab.
4. All – In case, you want to view all the enquiries at one go, click the ‘All’ tab. This saves a lot of your time and efforts in sorting enquiries.
3) Save enquiries using ‘Star’ icons for future review
Mark Enquiries as important by clicking the ‘Star’ icon. Starring an Enquiry helps you to quickly re-look into an enquiry later. It makes a lot easier for you to spot a starred enquiry and look into it in future.
4) Archive any enquiry as ‘Not Interested’ or ‘Not Converted’ or ‘Report Inaccurate’
A new feature ‘Archive’ is added to the dashboard. You can move enquiries to the ‘Archived Enquiries’ tab which are no longer important for you. Enquiries which you mark as ‘Not Interested’, ‘Not Converted’ and ‘Report Inaccurate’, will be archived. When an enquiry is ‘Closed’, it will be archived automatically. The new ‘Archive’ feature helps you to access all active enquiries easily.
When an enquiry has ‘Not Converted’ for you, you can select any of the following reasons (choose the most relevant reason) and click the ‘Archive’ button. Once you click the ‘Archive’ button, the enquiry would be moved to the ‘Archived Enquiries’ tab.
5) Use ‘Filter’ to browse your feed of student enquiries
Searching for something specific? Find relevant enquiries quickly as per your choice through the Filter icon. Filter by,
1. Class Location - Tutor’s Home, Student’s Home and Online Class,
2. Category - Java, Python, etc.
3. Students Locality - Koramangala, JP 3rd Phase.
To connect with students who meet your class requirements. This enables you to have better control over your coins spend, whom you want to contact for classes and choose your mode of teaching.
6) See hours taught online
You can now see the number of hours you have taught online on your dashboard. It will be shown in a box on the top of the screen. The number of hours taught online is important to students and parents because they are looking to see how much experience you have with teaching online.
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