If your customers have given you a review, and it doesn’t show up on your profile, first ensure that the customers clicked on the ‘Submit’ button after writing their review and submitting the rating. Some customers do not click on the ‘Submit’ button, thinking that the response is automatically captured. Also, ensure that they did not come across any errors while filling out the fields. For ex: You cannot enter only a review without giving a rating. The system will not recognize the only review as a valid entry, and will not accept the same. To ensure that the customer filled out
1. The category and attributes for which you had provided services
2. Rating/Stars and
3. The review.
If the customer was able to submit without the above issues then please note that we need 1-2 days to approve the submitted review to ensure that it is factual and helpful. We screen all reviews for spam, inaccuracy and bad language.
If the review still doesn’t appear after 3 days of submission, then please do contact us at support@urbanpro.com and we will update you about the issue.
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